There's this boy that I have been close with at school he is very popular, good looking and most wanted boy at our school. I cant say I have been exactly close with him but because I don't talk to boys I think I have been. The thing is I don't like him for his social status or looks(ok maybe)😭.First he intimidated me I thought he would be like the others he was close to my bestfriend and actually even had a crush on her but she didn't, she liked a girl. Obviously he is very popular and got a popular girlfriend way more pretty than me.I'm known as the quiet girl (not very pretty).Everyday went I came into the class they were sitting together and would hug each other. For some reason I didn't really mind or at least I thought I didn't. He has the most perfect smile when he smiles I smile too he always turns around to talk to me, we always study together and laugh together too the thing is now he is transferring to another school and yesterday might have been the last day I saw him.
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