I don't know what is happening to me. I am extremely worried about everything and everyone around me. Like, i get extremely anxious because of this heatwave and extreme global warming. I get so worried about how less fortunate people will cope in this heat. And this one thought becomes so big that it's impossible for me to concentrate on anything. This is my first post, i don't know what to do. I just came to know about this app. I have no one who will understand. I just want this constant state of worries and anxieties to stop.
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I don't know what is happening to me. I am extremely worried about everything and everyone around me. Like, i get extremely anxious because of this heatwave and extreme global warming. I get so worried about how less fortunate people will cope in this heat. And this one thought becomes so big that it's impossible for me to concentrate on anything. This is my first post, i don't know what to do. I just came to know about this app. I have no one who will understand. I just want this constant state of worries and anxieties to stop.

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