i am not able to share my feelings with anyone..i feel like they won't understand me or what will be the outcome if i share what will they think ...i am not emotionally attached to my parents too... i talk with my friends share happy moments with them bt when it comes to my problems i built a wall around me i don't let anyone know about my problems either friends or family...i feel like i won't be able to share anything with them ever whenever i tried nobody understood sometimes they say i feel sorry..i don't want them to pity me ... i always feel comfortable when I share my thoughts with someone i don't know who don't know how i look cause i feel when they see us they take pity or judge us ...an anonymous friend is better whom you don't know or won't ask how u look they just listen ur problems and try to help or understand u sometimes we just need someone who will listen without asking to see u or ask how u look....i just wanted to share my thoughts sry everyone for the disturbance
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i am not able to share my feelings with anyone..i feel like they won't understand me or what will be the outcome if i share what will they think ...i am not emotionally attached to my parents too... i talk with my friends share happy moments with them bt when it comes to my problems i built a wall around me i don't let anyone know about my problems either friends or family...i feel like i won't be able to share anything with them ever whenever i tried nobody understood sometimes they say i feel sorry..i don't want them to pity me ... i always feel comfortable when I share my thoughts with someone i don't know who don't know how i look cause i feel when they see us they take pity or judge us ...an anonymous friend is better whom you don't know or won't ask how u look they just listen ur problems and try to help or understand u sometimes we just need someone who will listen without asking to see u or ask how u look....i just wanted to share my thoughts sry everyone for the disturbance

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