During the lockdown my father was watching a lot of porn movies. He has started behaving weirdly with me after that. He brushes his fingers on my behind when walks past me, watches me get undressed in the bedroom key hole, keeps telling to bend down, keeps staring at my private parts. i told mom and confronted him so he started doing it even more. we sleep in the same room.. sometimes suddenly in the middle of the night he is standing next to my bed. All of this makes me feel disgusted.
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During the lockdown my father was watching a lot of porn movies. He has started behaving weirdly with me after that. He brushes his fingers on my behind when walks past me, watches me get undressed in the bedroom key hole, keeps telling to bend down, keeps staring at my private parts. i told mom and confronted him so he started doing it even more. we sleep in the same room.. sometimes suddenly in the middle of the night he is standing next to my bed. All of this makes me feel disgusted.

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