Depressed after grandmother’s death
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Hello everyone, hope you guys are doing okay. My life starting to fall apart every since my grandma passed away. I can't really focus with school because of my skin condition is going on and been feeling depressed and had a lot of anxiety lately...I never felt those before and always feel like I have a happy life..My cousins been staying at my house to study online and they are very smart which caused me to feel embarrassed since I'm older than them..I have a sister but my cousins always with her which I too afraid to ask for some help like homework because I kept thinking about negative things which this is my usual thoughts: "Maybe I shouldn't cousin would think I'm that dumb cause it is so easy for sure to them...or I might waste my sister's time for her to explain that is so easy too..". I started to lose some hope and I couldn't even see myself in the future much than "useless, pathetic, dumb, such a disappointment". This is how much I'm gonna type here for now... Sorry if my grammar is a little bit off :)

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