I ran away from my house
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I ran away from my house yesterday because of my personal family problems. I wanted to call my boyfriend but he already had family issues so I didn't involve him in this. I called my another friend who could actually help me with this situation. With money and place. I personally had problem with him because he had crush on me and not only that but he also wanted a physical relationship with me. But I had no other option. I needed place and food for a night. I didn't expect him to really be physical with me but he did it after all. he made me watch horror movie with him. And he knows how scared I am of spirts n all.And then I needed someone to be with me in the room so I asked him but then he started touching me.Requesting him was the biggest mistake.I will regret it for rest of my life.My boyfriend was worried.He texted me the whole night.And I'm damn serious in this relationship.I felt like I cheated on him. I feel horrible.

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