meaning to walk out of relationship
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I'm a mother of and married for almost 12 years. My husband has never been into me, as he kept comparing me to others and expected me to be like someone else. It broke me from inside, hurt my self respect and I decided to be independent emotionally though I couldn't come out of the marriage due to our kid. Last year I met someone and fell in love with. In spite of trying hard I can't keep myself away from him for a long period. In my mind I know this relationship is never going to give me the sense of fulfilment. The man is much more attracted to me physically than to be in love with me. I just want to come out of this as we both do not share same emotion for each other and it kills me. I'm just not being able to stay strong and positive for long time and stay alone. Please help me so that I can come out of this keeping my head high.

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