stressed because of difficult attitude of parents
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feelinglike a complete loser.dont feel like doing anything at all.i wish people justt told me that everything will be fine.when ever I even try to share my problem with my mom I feel like she is very very criticaland judgemental.she keeps reminding me of the mistakes I have done in my past and says that's the reason that my life is like that.i have a goodjob...maybe not as good as my family would have wanted..but i earn enoughto stand on my own feet and not depend on anyonefor money forany parentshave been tryingto fix my arranged marriage...but when nothing clicks important been told it's because of the faults in me. whenever I dislike a proposal I'm being told that I must learn to adjust...and that there are many many faults in me as well since childhood I have continuously been compared to my cousins...and nowas well that continues...i feel very small and useless...i feel I can never make my parentsor anyone happy...feel scared all the time ..dont know what to do whom to talk to

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