unclear stand in a relationship
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somethings are looking up I got a job offer and the pay is good my school is making me less stressful since it's about to end but I still need to try and fix things with my girlfriend she came out pansexual 2 months ago and she broke up with me thinkingbi wouldn't support her...what do I do her family don't like me they don't support LGBTQ and me as a girl I'm bisexual and I'm really in love with her but her family keeps putting it in her head that I'm bad for her we been through so much together for her to even believe what there saying I'm not really good with emotions of other people I try to communicate with her but I hate seeing her cry and it's a weakness to me I let her breath and excedera but I think she's slowly pushing me away and I wanna fight our relationship Battles but idk if she wants to I feel when doesn't want to be with me I'm constantly getting friendzoned in our relationship and I don't think it's ok....also thankyou for the people that listen and give me advice even when you got your own stuff to deal with it's not easy trying to help others and I'm thankful that I have people to relate to I hope you guys get through what ever is Hurting you

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