lately I've been thinking of killing myself already because I'm already tired of everything and i don't have any motivation anymore but my mother is relying on me thinking i would be successful but i don't even think i would still be alive to my upcoming birthday and I've been cutting my wrist more lately too and I don't think i can stop it, I don't have any Friends to open up too and i already attempt to commit suicide once but it was failed, and I'm having hard time sleeping too, i have low blood(anemic) and i don't know what to do in my life anymore 😔
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lately I've been thinking of killing myself already because I'm already tired of everything and i don't have any motivation anymore but my mother is relying on me thinking i would be successful but i don't even think i would still be alive to my upcoming birthday and I've been cutting my wrist more lately too and I don't think i can stop it, I don't have any Friends to open up too and i already attempt to commit suicide once but it was failed, and I'm having hard time sleeping too, i have low blood(anemic) and i don't know what to do in my life anymore 😔

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