Depressed because of lack of family support
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heyy im usually depressed and dont feel like talking to anyone because whenever i shared my problems i drew more of them throught those people and its been since my father passed away a horrible death as he was in coma for like 6 months but i feel he had a lot of pain and he died in pain right in front of my eyes then my whole family that includes grandparents and uncles and aunts just stood noone came to console me and no one even talked to me asking how do i feel and made me feel no one gives a damn and eventually after i kinda exploded to them they all left me telling me i dont know how to behave and all i did was spoke the truth and blaming my mother for my fathers death which was not true because i know everyone ghosted me and i feel terrible every second i have so much more but can someone please validate my feelings a bit and i have some more questions to ask is someone willing to answer to me ?

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